- 辨 distinguish; discriminate; d ...
- 方 square
- 证人 evidence; rapper; testation; ...
- 辩 argue; debate; dispute
- 辨方证人 witness of the defense
- 对方证人 adverse witness
- 公诉方证人 state witness; state'switness
- 警方证人 police witness
- 控方证人 [法律] prosecuting witness
- 询问本方证人 examination-in-chief
- 辩护方证人, 被告证人 defence witness
- 控方证人(雄才伟略) witnessfortheprosecution
- 检方证人的刑事案底 the criminal record of its witness
- 控诉人, 提出控告的主要受害人, 控方证人 prosecuting witness
- 证人 evidence; rapper; testation; witness 证人的作证资格 competence of witness; 可信的证人 a credible witness; 普通证人 a lay witness; 律师们花了两个小时的时间讯问证人。 the lawyers took two hours to interrogate the witness.; 证人对质 [法律] confrontation of both sides; 证人席 witness-box; witness stand
- 厂方证明书 certificate of manufacture
- 东方证券 orient securities
- 官方证明信 carnet
- 官方证实 official confirmation
- 南方证券 china southern securities co. ltd
- 辩护,答辩,辨方 辩护,答辩,辩方 defense
- 东方证券公司 dong bang securities co., ltd
- 南方证券公司 nanfang bonds co
- 保证人 bailsman; bondsman; guarantee, guarantor; security; sponsor; underwriter; voucher; warranter; warrantor; witness
- 被证人 guarantee